artist:dizzyspellss bodysuit mascot_outfit panting question_mark tiger


main image
Tagsartist:dizzyspellss, bodysuit, mascot_outfit, panting, question_mark, tiger
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Info800x600 // 58KB


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MarielPornOrWalk: Where's the batch upload option, noz? I can still shove a bunch in at a time but i also liked the option of multiple fields at once.
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MarielPornOrWalk: Also not a fan of the new tagging system, now that i've tried it, since i have to move my hand over to my mouse to click set like a schlub rather than just hitting enter and then left for the next image.
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Noz: pressing enter works for me
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MarielPornOrWalk: Yeah, i eventually mashed it and found out it worked, but i also gotta hit enter for every tag so i had to adjust to it. Still not a fan, though.
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Noz: pressing space should work fine now, there was a bug
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3Eyes: @Noz: yeah but you should be allowed to batch tag stuff. I wanna upload a bunch of my wonka nerds images and i can just (Ctrl+V) "artist:3eyes Wonka_Nerds" But I'd prefer to be able to easily tag a bunch of posts the same thing at the same time
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Noz: oh I thought that was enabled by default
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MarielPornOrWalk: I mean i just drag like eight images at a time onto the browse button and they all get uploaded at once with the same tags. Not more than eight, though, since i've been fucked by the file size limit before; i don't care what it's labeled as, it's not ten megabytes.
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Noz: max file size and max total size of upload are different values internally
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MarielPornOrWalk: I swear i've had image sets that were less than 10 MB but still got rejected for size. Tested it just now and it all went through, so maybe you fixed it somehow. Also noticed you added a removal option for images and a running size total in the larger form, so thanks for those.
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Boyardee: Now dump all the shit you got since you can do that now
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MarielPornOrWalk: Sure, right after you go through all one thousand mel pics that he dropped like five months ago, as proof that you can go through my several hundred sis pic collection.
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Boyardee: >he
>implying I didn't already look through all of those posts (I value her humurous sketches and she is good at drawing)
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Noz: I have to juggle several different variables across like 3 different pieces of software
  • A unique variable in nginx regarding total request size
  • Two variables in php regarding individual file size and total request size
  • A variable in shimmie2 regarding individual file size that ranges from 0 to the php individual file size variable