
Tunafish: He looking like Resident Evil >>>
Tunafish: Excellent work!! I need to do a comic!! >>>
Tunafish: I just want to hug the both of them. ;_; I am... >>>
Tunafish: Jesus, this comic has me on Edge. Very... >>>
Tunafish: Context... >>>
Tunafish: Nooooo!!! He hurt Norkay!!! Now he's gonna... >>>
Tunafish: Hahaahahah!! Ok, then, Don't shoot the... >>>
Tunafish: Noooo, Bandage guy! Don't shoot the Himbo!!! >>>
Tunafish: Yes, a fellow doctor enjoyer!! >>>
Tunafish: I also hug the Jehn >>>
Tunafish: Damm it, Norkay!!! You had to ruin the mood!! Lol >>>
Tunafish: Ultra is on another another level. I wish I had... >>>
Tunafish: The Rare Featureless woman.I just love how Jehn... >>>
Tunafish: Hahaha!! Jehn is a real mood. This is how I... >>>
Tunafish: Hahahahaha!! I loved all the responses to this.... >>>
Tunafish: This himbo is just too adorable. >>>
Tunafish: Instead of MPOW, I might start referring to you... >>>
Tunafish: You all ready have more variety than me! Though... >>>
Tunafish: You should make a horror comic >>>
Tunafish: I wanna play Soul Calibur now >>>
Tunafish: I really really really like this one, it makes... >>>
Tunafish: Thank you so much!!! I don't do it as... >>>
Tunafish: I wish I had the guts to draw like this >>>
Tunafish: This was so hot. >>>
Tunafish: This was one of my favorite pictures to draw. >>>
Tunafish: I think you did a KNIFE job!! >>>
Tunafish: His legal name is Loving Glitter Heart but he... >>>
Tunafish: Dis one wasn't meeeeee!! >>>
Tunafish: Based Norkay. >>>
Tunafish: Dawwww, the headpats made him sleepy!!! >>>
Tunafish: *Shocked pikachu face* >>>
Tunafish: I wish I was touching muscle >>>
Tunafish: Lol, phone auto corrected. >>>
Tunafish: Norway my beloved >>>
Tunafish: S-she can brush her own teeth!!! She... >>>
Tunafish: Poor Jehn... >>>
Tunafish: I thought that was her arm over her chest >>>
Tunafish: Oh shi- SAVE HER >>>
Tunafish: Save him! >>>
Tunafish: (Shocked Pikachu Face) >>>
Tunafish: When Dabs and seets draw magic happens. I wish... >>>
Tunafish: Grimmy ladies are best ladies. >>>
Tunafish: Ouchie! >>>
Tunafish: Daaaawwwwww >>>
Tunafish: So meeeeeeean lol >>>
Tunafish: Nooooooooo they took his cooookies!!!! >>>
Tunafish: (cries 5ever) Whhhhaaa I don't want to be... >>>
Tunafish: AWWWWWE!! He is adorable when he isn't a... >>>
Tunafish: HOT DAYM!!! MOAR!!!! >>>
Tunafish: God I love these pictures by Grim >>>
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