artist:tuna collar dog furry shirt


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Tagsartist:tuna, collar, dog, furry, shirt
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Info800x600 // 80KB


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Meltroid: Say, MPOW, i was meaning to ask : How do you operate when you do mass uploads like this ? I noticed that you have themes for these batches (Furry Tuna, Bikinis).
Do you download them ahead of time and organise them in folders or do you have another source for them :0
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MarielPornOrWalk: I save what i like when i see it, label them as appropriate, and then just grab handfuls when i throw them on the site. I saved that lapras one on June 13 2022, for instance, and just kinda kept going past it for lack of any sense of theme until i decided as i scrolled past it, fuck it, on it goes with the weird fat bug flower and the other furry smut.
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Meltroid: Ahhh yeye, i was wondering if there was some sort of other system to this. Thanks for answerin o7 (Also the bug thing is Leavanny, it's a pokemon)