7000000 artist:non crunge


main image
Tags7000000, artist:non, crunge
Source Link
Info800x600 // 156KB


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huh_whuh: whoops! this was uploaded straight from noz.rip. i thought this very version already existed in the booru, sorry for the duplicate!
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onoff: you make me laugh
sentenced to 30 years in gulag
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huh_whuh: anything but gulag.... oh well.... at least it isn't 31 years...
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MarielPornOrWalk: Unless two images have the exact same file size the auto-upload won't catch it. Four out of five browsers i used to download this one from the bunker had a different size, two of them different between the overlay viewer and the save icon page (one doesn't even work with the save page), and all of them different to the size of the original one i uploaded already; it's absolute insanity. Also none of them are 156kb so you must be using, like, safari or something.
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Boyardee: non drew thsi