artist:splitendss fat filia non-garyc pubes skullgirls tums


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Tagsartist:splitendss, fat, filia, non-garyc, pubes, skullgirls, tums
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DEIDATVM: People have said this isn't dinnershrimp but someone else, I forgot who. It looks like w00t's style but it's someone imitating that style
Also in the source thread it says sketchy-bot was used, idk if non-garyc would be 100% accurate as a tag since it does use a garyc-related tool, though i don't know what it would be tagged as otherwise
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MarielPornOrWalk: Yeah, i dunno who it is exactly, either, but if i see nothing but fatties, particular bulbous fatties since Woot tends to go more flabby, i'd say shrimp until proven otherwise. Wouldn't be the first time i got the artist wrong, though.

As far as non-garyc goes, i'd say if it counts if was only posted off-site, regardless of the methods.
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SireForseti: found the source
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MarielPornOrWalk: Nice done; now i'm glad i put this one here and not a new one from the thread that he hadn't uploaded yet.