artist:tuna ass bottomless character:sunglasses cleavage genderswap large_breasts lipstick text


main image


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Boyardee: Delet this

Also quit tagging all the pics as sunglasses(boyardee) and just use the sunglasses tag
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MarielPornOrWalk: First and foremost there are lots of pictures of people wearing sunglasses that aren't your bitch character with his yeeyee-ass haircut so the distinction is important, secondly i've been using the tag for months and it's real god damn startling to see all the tags get swapped on me by a maniac cultist plying his dark arts in the shadows,third i kinda really hate typing 'character:', and it's a small mercy that i've been doing 'artist:' as much as i have, and laast and most importantly, if it's really that big of a deal Noz can auto-bend every 'sunglasses_(boyardee)' tag to 'character:sunglasses' like he did for Lammy.
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Boyardee: >its a small mercy that I've been tagging properly while doing nothing else

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MarielPornOrWalk: It's a medium mercy i'm uploading at all, especially compared to you, and a large one that i'm not just labeling everything as 'tagme' and walking away whistling like the upload bot did. Eat shit.
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Boyardee: Wow bro you're such a good person, tagging pics anyone else would've tagged and uploading pics that the people who made them would've done already? Should we give you a gold medal to go with your absolute lack of drawing talent?
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MarielPornOrWalk: It really is hilarious that you of all people, the complete fuckwit that almost exclusively draws shitty corner avatars going "sg sexo :v" is ragging on me for not drawing, but i'm also pretty sure you work the least fucking hard on the booru. I've seen orc bro, reno, and DEIDATVM in the tag change logs, and now a literal anon from the hackers on steroids website known as 4chan is tunneling straight through the core of the site to change the sunglasses and cat tags to character: ones. I don't ask for thanks or recognition nor do i expect any, but the least i could get is to not have bottom-feeding shitbitches like you complaining about the time i'm sinking into this site.
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Boyardee: "Bottom-feeding shitbitches", he says, like he isn't one himself
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Noz: I don't think I tagged anything with the character category, artist is really the only category that's needed
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Boyardee: ^
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Noz: posts being tagged with character: and series: is a good thing though, every major booru does it because it organizes tags and eliminates ambiguity
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Boyardee: I dont think we need serious efforts for character tagging, not like this booru is all that professional lol. Also who tf is gonna use the series tag, especially when search doesn't actually highlight different tags and instead goes by alphabetical order, meaning you actually have to type in "artist:" before you can get to the good shit
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MarielPornOrWalk: I don't go around telling people they need to draw more or improve, though, especially considering i haven't and don't particularly want to, nor do i constantly make avatar posts so i can pretend like i'm part of the community or target people who i think are somehow lower on the totem pole than i am. You are a living joke, more so than mariel since most people just ignore him outright, and you should be thankful that nobody shoves that fact in your face constantly, me included.

You must have done something, Noz, 'cause every time i tag or search for 'lammy', it goes right to "character:lammy"; also TF2 turns into team_fortress_2, for what that's worth.
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Boyardee: Actual chuck mcgill schizo rant, take your meds and go creep on people some more, cunt
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MarielPornOrWalk: As with every accusation you make, this is really just you projecting your own insecurities on others, like pedos who go out pedo hunting before having their backgrounds come to light. I'm not going to tell you to leave or neck yourself, but after all this i'm really pulling for it.
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Boyardee: Bro literally went on about useless people and bottom feeders then went to accusing ME of projection? lol, lmao
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MarielPornOrWalk: Just giving you back your own medicine, nigga. Don't start shit, there won't be shit.
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Boyardee: You fucking started this autistmo
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MarielPornOrWalk: And you're keeping it up because you're either sincerely ass-blasted over my tagging habits or because i said you had a yeeyee-ass haircut, both of which makes you a petty bitch. Die in a fire.
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Boyardee: >im giving you your own medicine by seething for 50 paragraphs for no reason

Schizophrenia moment of the highest caliber
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MarielPornOrWalk: I can only apologize profusely for my linguistic capabilities, you mongoloid fucktard. I'll be sure to insult you in short words from now on so you can understand more gooderly, dumb fart cunt waffle.
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Boyardee: That's more like it, bitch
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sivuliike: :clueless:
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onoff: they are all watching let's go to DMs
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AwkwardMark: *Michael Jackson eating popcorn gif*
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MarielPornOrWalk: I assure you i could have gone for a week straight and still be ready for more, but his last message didn't have any heat so i decided to call it there.
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DEIDATVM: I'm still used to things like danbooru having a tag like "x" for the series/artist and "x_(character)" for if a character in the series/made by the artist has the same name, but yeah if a character has a name that's also an otherwise common thing that could also be tagged it should have something to disambiguate it. Idc if it's "character:" or "_([artist name])" as long as it's consistent
Also fwiw here's the alias list there've been some times I wish I could edit it, also "grim" shouldn't alias to "artist:grim" because a lot of stuff featuring him is drawn by others
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Noz: I've never seen a character named grim
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MarielPornOrWalk: Does the artist insert for Grim have a proper name, then, like how Tuna is technically Dizzy most of the time? 'Cause there's a lot of pics made entirely by Meltroid that have Grim as a secondary artist credit now, instead of as a character in the listing.
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Noz: I have no idea what his artist insert looks like
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Meltroid: Come on Noz, it's the tall lanky dude with crazy hair :l
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archemachine: archemachine
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SireForseti: She kinda bad doe