artist:meltroid black_star BLACK★STAR character:sunglasses sickle Soul_eater tuna


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TagsBLACK★STAR, Soul_eater, artist:meltroid, black_star, character:sunglasses, sickle, tuna
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Info800x600 // 72KB


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Meltroid: I love how you tagged black star with his signature logo, god bless!
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MarielPornOrWalk: Who's the sickle supposed to be though, Latte? Mariel? I can see her eye so it's not that textfield girl.
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Meltroid: Yeha i knew this was gonna be a bit tough to see, so i tried adding little details to make it easier.I thought Tuna would fit Tsubaki well in terms of personnality. The bead dangling at the end of the hilt is supposed to be the little things she has in her hair to tie it up. I'll draw her human form next to make it more obvious :
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MarielPornOrWalk: I just don't think there's a lot of crossover between SG and Tuna, meself, made it hard to realize it was her. Also Tsubaki's more quiet and polite where Tuna's more cheerful and mellow, closer to Blair or maybe Marie.
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Meltroid: To be honest, that one antifreeze image made the push to pair these two together hehe... But you do have a very valid point ! I wouldn't mind some help figuring out all the characters if i'm being completely honest, so if you have any ideas i'm up to listen
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MarielPornOrWalk: Just do everything to everyone. Masky as Crona with SG as Ragnarok works, but i think Puke/2x would as well. Tuna/Maka with Truckguy/Soul except he's a huge hammer, Dabs as Franken which means Seets would have to be Maka's papa or maybe Ox Nard/Harvar, Puke with regular and femboy 2x as Death the Kid and the Thompsons. 2x, Shark Guy, Jox, nearly any shorter avatar would work as Excalibur, Atropos or Sex Master as Blair but Tuna probably works best because of cat tuna, probably make a bunch of Sivu OCs into the witches. Just match everyone to as many characters as you can, or at least until you get sick of it.
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Meltroid: Duely noted! I'll keep working on it and you'll see the character choices soon enough (o°o)