artist:jox dragon_girl Gullæta jewelry nipple_piercing


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TagsGullæta, artist:jox, dragon_girl, jewelry, nipple_piercing
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Info798x598 // 82KB


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versacejuicebox: these big titty dragon pics were drawn by jox. I'm not gonna tag all those pics homie
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versacejuicebox: I just read the other comments, that's on boyardee, get to it
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Boyardee: yeah yeah im tagging all of it i just got a fuckton of uni work that i've been putting off like a smoothbrained retard. It'll be done in like 2 mins, someone get the devanon for to unban me tho idk what i even did wrong but even when i reset my router to change the ip i get banned in like 3 minutes like ??????????????????????????
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Boyardee: also i missed my fucking 2222 dubs because reno mass uploaded his god awful shitty ass scribbles at once so now i gotta wait for another 10k so mpow should just mass dump all his shit for the vine :^)
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Boyardee: Its Done™. BTW MPOW sivu's non shit non underage-infested sketch discord server has a channel where you can look up any sketch and immediately find it in an archived gallery of everything from 6.6 mil to now, it can help you find more sketches in a range that you might have missed alongside giving context for better tagging. If you want an invite then dm me here Boyardee#7304.
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MarielPornOrWalk: not until i get a proper name for the titty tomboy i refuse to call her tombooba until i get some iron-clad confirmation
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MarielPornOrWalk: also fuck discord and fuck archives; save it for garyc booru: the next generation when another one gets made in two years and we can have another hundred-thousand tagme images dumped that nobody will sort through
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Boyardee: ask bicho on the gallery my nigga, he used to be on discord but he got banned but literally everyone else is on there. do you even draw at all? also post the rest of your shit lol
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MarielPornOrWalk: Nope, not an artist; don't have the talent, don't have the honed skill, don't have the tools, don't have the enthusiasm. I'm a shitposter first and a pervert second, and i guess an autist after that since here i am tagging shit. I'll upload it all, slowly, with no set schedule or order, as i please, as i am a fucking dandy.
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Boyardee: smh, join discord (or tell devanon to unban me from textfield)
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MarielPornOrWalk: I repeat: fuck discord. Also i have no affiliation with anybody in charge of anything here, and i'm half-sure i'm shadowbanned on textfield too since the first thing i typed was "I LIKE RAPE" and nobody has seen my comments since, like typed right past my words like they weren't even there.
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Boyardee: jej ok then, an easy way to tell is if you refresh and your words dissapear, im gonna go do more uni work and seethe on my couch for the next 2 hours :^)
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Noz: wdym "fuck archives; save it for garyc booru: the next generation when another one gets made in two years"
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MarielPornOrWalk: Everything dies or get abandoned eventually. I got a real shit memory but a know a fuckload of 4chan archive sites have come and gone over the years, their collection of shitposts dying with it. Either something else will replace this one years down the line or it'll all crash and burn completely.
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Noz: If that's the case then why do you spend so much time uploading and tagging things? This booru and the archive only exist as long as I pay for the server time.
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MarielPornOrWalk: Because i'm incredibly stupid and/or neurotic and also my time is worthless anyhow.
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Boyardee: you could learn to draw and then draw better than me (not that hard lol)
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MarielPornOrWalk: you could learn to draw and be better than yourself, fuckface, when you gonna get on it? you sure have enough selfies of yourself across the site so show your enthusiasm
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Boyardee: :^(
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Noz: well I keep regular backups of everything and the server costs basically nothing so it'll probably stick around as long as sketch does